Need To Get Rid of Obamacare?FLUSH US Senate!

Need To Get Rid of Obamacare?FLUSH US Senate!
US House Is "In the Tank" for Obama!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Let's Over-Ride VETOS!

March 23, 2010 is a day that will live in ill repute which has been rued and cursed about daily in America. What has caused all this "potty-mouth-ism"? A 2010 Congress of ill repute filled with many Democrat and RINO GOP punks, making legislation of ill repute FOR a President who is proud to be counted among the top whatevers held in "ill repute" in the United States. On this accursed day in history President Obama should have VETOED Obamacare but lacked the decency so signed it into law. Obama and other Democrats had been wanting to do this to Americans for many years. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* Hillary Clinton had held many secret meetings with insurance companies succeeding in closed-door meetings what she could not accomplish. Her Hillary care failed miserably BUT left a legacy of Managed Care that has dragged US health care down by degrees. It is widely held that it was Hillary Clinton who told insurance providers,"Why cover expensive drugs? Just declare them experimental after ONE prescription and never pay them again." And so they do just that. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* Between Hillary and the other lawyers like Edwards who waxed wealthy suing doctors, doctors began to x-ray broken bones and prescribe painkillers instead of MENDING the bones. Why? Lawyers had sued them silly for practicing medicine which included placing broken bones into approximation alignment and allowing them to heal properly. Some people say doctors were never that concerned with fingers and toes but that is not true unless being a TOUGH person, you did forgo getting the broken bones "set". But back to Obama care. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* What have been the dire consequences that caused decent, responsible Congress persons to PASS the REPEAL legislation? What was SO VERY bad about it? ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* 1. Health insurance rates have skyrocketed due illogical new mandates on private insurance including having grown adults being allowed onto their parent's insurance plan and no limits on insurance limits! This sounds like a lawyer's DREAM and a patriot's NIGHTMARE. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* 2. Although the law has been declared unconstitutional by several courts and constitutional by a couple of courts, the US Supreme Court represented by "Justice" Roberts decided "out-of-the-clear-blue-sky" and in a state of SOBRIETY that Obamacare was a TAX. Of course, this TRAVESTY HAS BEEN VERY TAXING on the patience and financial status of the "haves" who are providing free and low-cost healthcare for illegal aliens, persons with no urge to work for a living, and assorted other people. Perhaps what is MOST DISGUSTING is the fact that certain religions, even one adjudged to be a DEATH CULT -- can get the benefits BUT NOT PAY anything no matter how wealthy they are. The Obama administration, in the knowledge that Obamacare is probably unconstitutional, delayed the inevitable by delaying the appeals in any way possible. Then the Supreme Court made a decision deemed irrational by perhaps 338,000,000 people. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* Among failed government healthcare plans was that of Hawaii, and Massachusetts. Mitt Romney had carpetbagged to Massachusetts in order to acquire that "special odor" that government healthcare advocates fairly REEK OF, it being a STENCH to normal people who do not desire the harmful effects of rampant socialism. Then the GOP Establishment sensing the silent majorities' fundamental disunity decided that since no persons of high caliber were running for president in 2012, that they would stuff Romney down Americans collective throats even though the man had trashed his reputation so badly with Romney care that the liberals in Massachusetts rejected him for an INCUMBENT GOVERNOR. The FIEND actually tried to get Massachusetts' pathetic and expensive healthcare FOISTED on the samall percentage who had ESCAPED IT. Naturally, Romney fared even MORE BADLY than had the erstwhile foot-shooting John F. McCain. Apparently the "F" McCain had been awarded stood for "foot-shooting" because not only did his running mate bring a whopping 6 electoral votes but McCain himself publicaly and quite loudly declared his admiration for perhaps the most notorious Supreme Court "Justice" that ever lived, none other than Ruth (Gotta Be So Much) Bader Ginsberg. McCain might as well have endorsed Adolf F. Hitler as "The Man of the Century". As much as people opposed Obama getting elected, McCain had FOOT-SHOT his way to the LOSS he has CRAVENLY craved all along. THIS is why he did not quit the Senate. he planned on returning and no intention of "starting over". ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* 3. Even after several unconstitutional and tyrannical "modifications", the majority of Americans, being of sound mind and body, still don't like the bill and FLUSHED Congress of the Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu and the Corn husker kickback low-life Senator. Then the Kentucky Kickback and Lautenberg Loot. Several others escaped the wrath of the sane and sensible or were perhaps spared by the insane and insensible who continued to vote in qualified jerks who lied through their teeth to get elected having no track record for decency and being incompletely or totally unvetted. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* 4. The House of Representatives were supposedly taken over by the GOP in 2010 and the Senate in 2014, mainly because of Obamacare, wild-eyed amnesty for illegal aliens advocacy, and pretending Keystone was not a moot issue never to over-ride Obama's constant and vociferous -- VETOS. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* 5. While there are a couple of good things in Obamacare, these items could have been dealt with in a bill of less than 2600 pages or have the items presented for passage on their own merits. Both Obama, Reid and Pelosi decided to take over the healthcare system. Pelosi got her share of the abundant ill repute and stark infamy by declaring,"Let's pass this and READ it later." This was easily the most IRKSOME and INANELY STUPID remark of the first two decades of the 21st Century which are far from over. Over 200 million Americans are certain that nobody else can take THAT away from Mrs. Pelosi who even declared that 500 million would lose jobs back in 2009. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* Harry Reid and Obama stand by their bill, although the American people don't and in 2014, President Obama was supposed to be neutered by losing Congress. Back in January of 2016, Congress passed a FIX for Obamacare by repealing parts of it for a measly year. When Obama VETOED it, and over-ride was attempted that FAILED. Obama is STILL waiting to reap the grief that he sowed, thanks to a House of Representatives that apparently, like Obama declared of the Senate, has "serious deadbeats, lowlifes" as well as "unrepentant no-good punks." ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* http://www.nytimesDOTcom/2008/10/17/us/politics/17smith.html?_r=0 ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* Apparently Obama is STILL right and even though allegedly "joking" the 53 GOP-0 Democrat non-passage to defund Planned Parenthood revealed an ongoing infestation. He was at a party with McCain in 2008 when he inadvertently told the truth. Kudos to the unknown "joke" writer. Too bad it is NO JOKE. There has never been EVEN ONE successful VETO Over-Ride of ANYTHING, however rank and putrefied...Obama has VETOED. FDR had over 600 vetos and some were had over-rides that FLUSHED FDR's ill-conceived and often Draconian legislation. In one case, FDR was trying to tell people WHAT CHICKENS THEY COULD BUY LIVE! Imagine that. No-you must ONLY buy YELLOW chickens...NOT the brown or black ones? With TRUMP in charge, there will be NO NEED for VETOS unless Democrats get the upper hand. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* In early February 2016, presidential hopeful Marco Rubio at the GOP debate in New Hampshire mentioned politely that President Barack Obama (B.O.) knows exactly "what he's doing" without getting to mention the "wrecking ball effect Obama has on poor America. A jerk named Gov. Chris Christie used the GOP debate in Manchester, NH as a chance to "poor mouth Rubio" who is even more inexperienced than President Barack Obama but lacks Obama's "malice-aforethought" to be a dedicated, constipated, bonified -- menace. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* Obama semi-secretly VETOED all the hard work of the US Congress in trying to "fix" Obamacare, the signature SNAFU, ill-conceived and dangerous botch-job of President Obama. *********************************************************************************************************************************************************** This is PURE Sarcasm...If Easily Offended...You Will Be Offended! Be Warned... But sadly TRUE... Why I Voted Democrat! I voted Democrat because I love the fact that I can now marry whatever I want. I’ve decided to marry my horse. I voted Democrat because I believe oil companies’ profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are obscene but the government taxing the same gallon of gas at 15% isn’t. I voted Democrat because I believe the government will do a better job of spending the money I earn than I would. I voted Democrat because freedom of speech is fine as long as nobody is offended by it. I voted Democrat because when we pull out of Iraq I trust that the bad guys will stop what they’re doing because they now think we’re good people. I voted Democrat because I’m way too irresponsible to own a gun, and I know that my local police are all I need to protect me from murderers and thieves. I voted Democrat because I believe that people who can’t tell us if it will rain on Friday can tell us that the polar ice caps will melt away in ten years if I don’t start riding a bicycle to work so my armpits will chase away all the busybodies. I voted Democrat because I’m not concerned about the slaughter of millions of babies so long as we keep all death row inmates alive. I voted Democrat because I believe that business should not be allowed to make profits for themselves. They need to break even and give the rest away to the government for redistribution as THEY see fit. I voted Democrat because I believe liberal judges need to rewrite The Constitution every few days to suit some fringe kooks who would never get their agendas past the voters. I voted Democrat because my head is so firmly planted rectally that it is unlikely that I’ll ever have another point of view. I voted Democrat as they have been wrong about everything for the past 60 years and I like to watch a perfect record unfold. Iam not Mariah Carey, Mirah Cary I am not Ami Winehouse, Amy Winehouse,