Friday, February 17, 2017
The Proverbial Shoe Is On the Other Foot
Why shouldn't Congress do what SENT THERE TO DO?
Unknown to Washington (Com) Post and Fox News, Trump has an "armload" of
accomplishment because he "hit the ground running" to "fix the mess".
"Swamp vermin" and other politicians oppose Trump's "fix it team" as well as his Executive Orders safely emulating those of Obama like the travel ban from the seven "usual suspect" countries. They were chosen by Obama: Sudan (which has Christian/Animist faction in the south portion),
As of February 15, President Trump has accomplished:
1) Staffing the Executive Branch and White House.
2) Chose and sent a dozen Cabinet nominees to the Senate for their required approval which have been overall so superior to run-of-the-mill choices that even Democrats are DUMBFOUNDED but acting like terrible choices are UP while Obama had MANY lackluster people virtually RUBBER-STAMPED WITH APPROVAL.
Trump has correctly protested an overly expensive contract so as to browbeat Boeing into cutting its price on a government contract.
In a televised conference he cajoled and charmed CEOs. then booted out the press for THE SERIOUS BUSINESS of convincing American CEOs to keep their manufacturing and product production plants in the United States.
Syria, Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, the SAME SEVEN "SUSPECT" countries almost blacklisted by Obama, Trump has imposed a terrorist travel ban which had Democrat and GOP liberals almost "pulling their hair out," despite the FACT that it's the SAME SEVEN that Obama suspected of sending their "lesser citizens" to America perhaps with "designs".
Trump met with many foreign leaders under friendly terms winning them over to his side for the most part. ONE, Mexico's leader felt "alienated" because of Trump's insistance that Mexico "pay for that wall". Trump even nominated a Supreme Court justice after keeping him "under wraps" and "under the radar" from a hostile Democrat-leaning press. Trump accomplished numerous other projects.
Nevertheless, Trump managed to find time in his busy day to torment the media with his tweets!
During this time since Trump's Inauguration -what exactly have congressional Republicans been "up to"?
Due to Trump's LONG and DURABLE "Coat-tails", over 90 percent of congressional Republicans remained in the House and Senate after the 2016 election. With this in mind, figure that some GOP Establishment types survived the 2016 elections. Many of the worst with the BIGGEST EGOS think they OWE Trump NOTHING and it was their "WONDERFULNESS" that got them elected or re-elected, especially the incumbents who have been there the LONGEST. A few steadfastly OPPOSED Trump as ORDERED by "Republican Party bosses". Many STILL do but smile while trying to "do Trump in" and oppose EVERYTHING he tries to do. They THINK Trump is a FLUKE or a corruptible FRAUD and nothing he has accomplished on the L-O-N-G road to the White House - or in the BRIEF TIMESPAN since the Inauguration - means ANYTHING to them. Like stagecoach mules - they seem to have "blinders" that keep them from seeing the good Trump is doing. But isn't that TYPICAL for liberals? Don't many of them BASH America FIRST- oblivious to her good points and good deeds?
Aren't many of them in conDAMNATION of the very USA that has made them successful and allowed them to VOICE all this contempt and negativism? Women in Cuba have tried protesting desperately for their relatives and loved ones to be at least TRIED for some crime - not just LOCKED UP ad infinitium - for "Crimes against Cuba?" Some have been imprisoned FOR YEARS without so much as a TRIAL. That is WHY women get "BEAT DOWNS" and imprisonment for THEMSELVES- just for protesting REAL INJUSTICES not "RIGHTS" for someone like the man who stood over a police officer and executed him in front of several witnesses. This guy not only gets a "Vacation with benefits" but gets to "GIVE SPEECHES" at liberal colleges and universities in the very state where he MURDERED a policemen! Others like him take sanctuary in CUBA which refuses to extradite them to the USA for trial, even though many would get a "ROYAL and Undeserved FANDOM" among those who advocate to "Off The PIGS".
Those in OPPOSITION, both GOP RINOs and Democrats take heart that the Senate confirms nominees, which they've been doing as slowly as possible - to TRIP TRUMP. A few are rapidly realizing that the GOP has the NUMBERS to OK Trump's choices the way OBAMA RAMRODDED his choices through.
As for tax cuts and the Obamacare Repeal, the US House of Representatives has absolutely no excuse at all lack of SUCCESS OR ACCOMPLISHMENT while Speaker Ryan and mojority whip mcConnell have given "lip service" in their defense.
Where's the RAPID progress on the Obamacare repeal? What happened to the promised hearings featuring middle-class Americans possessing no health insurance because it was made illegal by Obamacare? (A $10,000 deductible policy could be purchased CHEAPLY but THAT is illegal since NOBODY could be FORCED to pay ridiculously RISING PREMIUMS for such pitiful coverage. Meanwhile the poor and indigent who have little or no contributions to the system AND should be CHARITY CASES...get Obamacare for FREE or CHEAPLY. CHARITIES are STILL suffering because Obamacare is "PICKING THE POCKETS" of people who formerly were the most GENEROUS people in the world BUT cannot afford to GIVE VERY MUCH because they are "STRAPPED" due to Obamacare.
The U.S. House of Representatives passed six Obamacare repeals during Obama's Reign of Terror. As the Senate was heavily infested with Democrats and the president himself vetoed - there was no chance of the six being signed into law. To "look busy and productive"
- Republicans vigorously and voraciously wrote repeals but when Trump became president, the repeals halted. Like the "Planned Parenthood De-funding" legislation - it was all "for show" and "no go".
Immediately after the inauguration, House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell issued their STALL-FOR-TIME 200 day plan for repealing Obamacare. To "chisel over the pencil marks", they named their STALLING "ACTION" legislative agenda, "The Two Hundred Day Plan.”
This is over THREE MONTHS PAST Trump's 100 Days and this was "planned" so he could not "DRAIN THE SWAMP" of Obamacare.
Throngs of delighted media types, consider MEEK and MILD Republican MAJORITY as "ON THEIR SIDE" against TRUMP because they are agast at almost everything Trump does. They've been especially HUNGRY-BABY ROBIN chirping about Trump's temporary travel ban from seven terrorist nations. The GOP cares NOT ONE WIT that the Obama administration CITED the EXACT SAME SEVEN MUSLIM countries - as rogue, terrorist-loving nations - and PERMANENTLY BANNED them to immigrate to the USA EXCEPT those approved with WAVERS.
IDENTICAL in principal to the six Obamacare repeals, a refugee ban was already written and passed by the House of Representatives where MOST bills begin. All of a sudden, and "out of the blue," the paperwork is MEANINGLESS or LOST and McConnell and Ryan are meek sheeple, as Trump is being attacked from every side, angle and mostly from the "down low" below by a media attacking the ban that Obama WANTED. Will Obama SPEAK UP for his "baby" ? NOT HARDLY! Obama gets to watch Trump get attacked like a zebra surrounded by 800 hyenas. He's probably so elated that he will do an "extra line" or an extra er celebratory sausage or BOTH.
Way, way back, 15 long months ago, congressional Republicans didn't have a problem with a total ban on Syrian and Iraqi refugees. Not for a scrawny. miserable three months like Trump's order -- but permanently, unless Comey - the director of the FBI, the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security and the director of national intelligence personally certified that a particular refugee posed no danger to the U.S. and was worthy of a WAVER.
That bill passed the House with an overwhelming, veto-proof majority, including 47 Democrats. Then it went to the Senate to die among the "people Obama named so well at the Al Smith Memorial Bar-B-Q and Roast Dinner in 2008. The few good ones...remain silent and do nothing...which is ALL it takes.
But when President Trump imposed a comparatively mild three-month ban on immigrants from Syria, Iraq and five other terrorist nations, the same Republicans who had voted for a limitless ban on refugees "hosed away their hours" calling reporters to denounce Trump.
Approximately a year ago, Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, waxed braggadocio in a press release that he had introduced the House's refugee ban, calling it a legislative bill that would "protect Americans from ISIS.” GEE and even in a "pig's eye!" Macky McCaul can do NOTHING since McDonnel and (Von) Ryan are "expressing" legislation of this sort to the dust bin of nowhere.
But when it came to Trump's three-month pause, McCaul told the Post that Trump's order "went too far.”
Has the ISIS problem "dropped off the RADAR SCREEN"? Does Rep. McCaul's being WEALTHY kill all his incentive to "Work Hard For America"? Most likely his GOAL is a Senate seat where he can live like a KING on a ridiculous salary that just keeps getting BIGGER and BIGGER while nothing good gets doner and doner? Bit of humour there.
Rep. Charlie Dent, R-Pa., who voted for the House's permanent refugee ban, VICIOUSLY demanded that Trump immediately rescind his travel ban, getting diarrhea of the mouth about the "many, many nuances of immigration policy". Rep Dent may not have a fondness for "the nags" but he relishes his congressional fact-finding tour "JUNKETS" to a Las Vegas casino.
Rep. Justin Amash, R-Mich., said that Trump's "mild soapy" order "overreaches and undermines our constitutional system." Apparently he "caught a FLASH of epiphany" that it's "not lawful to ban immigrants on the basis of nationality," this in of his spite having voted to ban refugees on the basis of nationality a mere 15 months previously. This sounds like a GREAT IDEA as long as a few dozen Syrians, Somalis and Yemenis reside in Justin Amash's RESIDENCE after being informed about his support for gay marriage. Some rightly call this "the GAY MIRAGE" since "now you see it and later you don't."
Sens. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., and Ben Sasse, R-Neb., both fell over each other getting over to The Washington (Com)Post with this refreshing and trademarkable original BRAIN DROPPING: NOT ALL MUSLIMS ARE TERRORISTS! GEE, thanks, senators! Where would the GOP be without you? Nevermind - hopefully the GOP WILL BE WITHOUT YOU! Out of the world's estimated BILLION Muslims...only 2% BAD APPLES would ruin barrels and barrels of HARD CIDER whether they EVER placed a single HEAD in a barrel of cider or not.
The (Com) Post also quoted "mouthpieces" for Republican Sens. Mike (Bruce) Lee of Utah, Rob (Themall) Portman of Ohio and Lindsey (GRAMnasty) Graham of South Carolina raving about not having been briefed on Trump's order. The senators themselves were far too busy to talk to the press because they were dropping refugee's children at the Day Care Center?
Since the election, Sen. Bob (Imareal) Corker, R-Tenn., has been mostly occupied editing his anti-Trump quotations to get an appreciative nod from an drooling and slobbering - but admiring media. He raved on and on about Trump's order, saying it was "poorly implemented" and that he had to find out about it from reporters. Could THIS be the SAME reason Ollie North did not tell Senators and Representatives about "what he knew".
We've been waiting our entire lives for a BALLSY GOP PRESIDENT, but Republicans in Congress refuse to do the people's will. Their sole, driving obsession is to see Trump fail but they backed Obama when no one was looking.
Nobody is calling for useless, no-good, narcissistic, low-life, Trump-bashing Republicans to be defeated in their re-election campaigns, but they're on NOTICE TO STRAIGHTEN UP AND FLY RIGHT. In order too be cleared, they can start by hanging up on The Washington (Com)Post and FIGHTING FOR THE PASSAGE of the better one of those six Obamacare repeal bills.
Otherwise Hades bids them to enter its brimstone midst.
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